Wednesday 3 September 2014

Instead of finishing my current Article i just wrote This

Yeah, so I just felt that it was necessary to give a quick update on what’s going on at the moment. Although I’m experiencing a period of productivity in terms of writing that was unknown to me until I finally had somewhere to put it, it’s been a little while since my last (finished) article. Asides from discovering that the last subject I announced (in the comments on my Five Nights at Freddy’s article) demanded definitions and analysis that would require writing an academic book in order to properly examine and therefore being much beyond what I’m capable of, and this along with also ultimately being completely pointless, I’ve just started my university education. 

Learning about the Balkans is going to be pretty fun, expect much Serbia Strong.
Anyways, so this week along with the previous one has been a bit demanding both socially (meeting lots of people and getting very drunk) and also especially practically, since I need to move to København (Copenhagen) this coming weekend. I’m always writing whenever I have time for it, I just don’t know for sure in which days I’ll have time for it and in which I won’t. I just need to get settled, though, after that I should be able to organize my time a bit better. Also I need to not leave the charge cable for my laptop lying around somewhere stupid again.

Also, because the article I was working on turned out to be absolute shite, I’ve switched focus. Currently working on an article which is about Politely Requesting Documentation. It’s almost done, just missing a few clarifications and maybe a bit more refining, so hopefully I’ll make it good enough soon.


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