Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Video announcement

Yeah, it's been a pretty long time since I last posted anything here. Anyways, as stated in the last update thingamajig, I never gave up on writing, I just started up more new projects than I had time and energy to finish. Anyways, for the past month I've been working on a video about cinematics and multimedia in general in video games, which is now finished and can be watched here:

It's not unlikely that the blog won't see much use on its own for a while, as I aim to make more videos rather than blog posts, but I'll be uploading the script along with each new video just in case anyone wants to read them. Due to the subject matter, this one also dragged on for quite a bit longer than intended. Expect videos more along a length of 10-15 minutes focused on more narrow topics for now. Maybe the next one will be focused on one specific work of media, or a video game franchise, rather than a subject this broad.

As for the script for this one, I'll upload it in a separate post, maybe today, otherwise probably within the following couple of days. Enjoy.