Tuesday 29 July 2014

Hello, brave new world

...So i finally got together and made the foundations for a new blog.
This is Neo's Corner of the Internet, and this is where i'm going to upload articles and stuff.

So, this is part of an ongoing project i have where i'll try and write down some of the things i constantly think about anyways, mainly ideas and concepts in video games i find noteworthy or interesting, at least enough to deserve to have an article written about it.

I don't really have deadlines on the articles i write, but i'm going to try and get something up within the next couple of weeks, and hopefully, having finally established where and how i'm going to publish the stuff i write, the blog should serve as a motivation to practice my analytical ability and hopefully also get my writing skills a bit more into shape. Walls of text ahoy.

I've got a few articles in the works already, but i have some trouble staying focused on a single topic, so i'm not completely certain which of my articles i'll finish when. My latest and most current project is one that involves complex physics, level design, and rollercoasters, and i aim to have that up withing the next couple of weeks. Also, i'll be looking a bit into how to improve the looks of this place just a bit and get rid of some of all that empty white space.

Welcome to the blog,
Have a good time!
